Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

RCC - Deactive Checker v1.0

Yahoo Tools ini berfungsi untuk mengecek id teman anda masih aktif apa udah 
kena deactive bagi yang ingin mencoba.Silakan Download Disini

Vijaya Dashami Booter

Progy Boot Ini Dapat Membuat Disconnect Yahoo teman anda yang ada di room dan boot ini juga dilengkapi Single Victim Bagi kalian ingin boot 1 target aja tingal klik di 
victim yang bawah,bagi yang ingin mencoba.Sialakan Download Disini

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Y!Dewa-Pirates Booter v .2 by __D.e.w.A__

Code Yahoo Booter yang udah di update yahoo boot ini masih berfungsi bagi kalian yang ingin belajar bikin mesin yahoo booter sendiri bisa ambil code nya disini code tersebut dua fungsi 1 form dua buah mesin boot satu Multi yahoo booter yang kedua single room boot dan single 
boot bagi yang  ingnin mencoba silakan.Download Disini

Y!Dewa-Pirates Booter by __D.e.w.A__

Code Yahoo Booter yang udah di update yahoo boot ini masih berfungsi bagi kalian yang ingin belajar bikin mesin yahoo booter sendiri bisa ambil code nya disini code tersebut dua fungsi 1 form dua buah mesin boot satu Multi yahoo booter yang kedua single room boot dan single 
boot bagi yang  ingnin mencoba silakan.Download Disini

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

CraX By Marichal Booteur10

Progy Untuk Crack Id yahoo,sbc,illy dan lain2 bagi yang ingin mencoba belajar crack bisa download aplikasih ini kalau dapat jgn lupa bagi satu buat ane ya hehehehe,Silakan.Download Disini

Y!Dewa-Pirates Booter by __D.e.w.A__

Multi Yahoo booter Progy untuk membuat Disconnect Yahoo Messenger Teman Chat Anda boot ini dilengkapi dengan 4 Bot Option Bagi yang ingin mencoba.Silakan.Download Disini

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Y-T Multi

 Y-T Multi Yahoo Tools Untuk Multi messenger dan Avatar Untuk Melihat Avatar gambar Chat Lawan Anda Bagi yang ingin mencoba Silakan Download Dibawah ini

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Immortal- Booter By __Sin__

multi login booter with 4 Boot Option Immortal- Booter,This Prog Work only for Yahoo Messenger i boot my self and after 2min see the.screen shot my id is booted and hang with many faster pm box.

Visual Basic Fundamentals Development for Absolute Beginners

Visual Basic Fundamentals Development for Absolute Beginners
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Genre: Video Training

Want to learn a different language? Over the course of 25 episodes, our friend Bob Tabor from LearnVisualStudio.NET will teach you the fundamentals of Visual Basic programming. Tune in to learn concepts applicable to video games, mobile environments, and client applications.

We'll walk you through getting the tools, writing code, debugging features, customizations and much more! Each concept is broken into its own video so you can search for and focus on the information you need.
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Y-Booters by arisbooterr

Soource Yahoo Booter Bagi yang ingin belajar bikin yahoo boot ini saya kasih code mesin boot multi dan boot ini juga masih berfungsi bagi yang ingin mencoba silakan download dibawah ini 

Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Happy Brithday To Adek Auza by __Asifa.R__

Happy Brithday To Adek Auza This Multi Boot Whit 8 Boot Option.
This Prog Work only for Yahoo Messenger

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

Y-Booters by arisbooter

Multi login booter with 4 Boot Option,Y-Booters by arisbooter,This Prog Work only for yahoo messenger ,i boot my self and after 2min see the screen shot my id is booted and hang with many faster pm box

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Y!Messanger Room Booter

Y!Messanger Room Booter,Whit 2 Boot Option,This Prog Work Only For Yahoo Messenger,Tes by me


Yah-Killer-Booter,Multi login booter with 3 Boot Option.This Prog work only for yahoo messenger


Lȃ†_4_ÐÈ@Ð multi login booter with 5 Boot option
Lȃ†_4_ÐÈ@Ð.alla boot,Pm Buzz .This prog work only for yahoo messenger
i boot my self and after 2min see the screen shot my id is booted and hang with
many faster pm box.Bot.Woking Tes by me

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

open two yahoo messengers in the same time on U r pc

Cara Membuat Muti yahoo Messenger anda langkah pertama Buka Run Ketik Regedit lalu ketik : HKEY_CURRENT_USER lalu pilih Software terus pilih yahoo terus Pilih Page pilih tes terus Klik New Dword Value ubah nama dengan Pluarl terus dubel klik Untuk mengubah Value nya Menjadi dari 0 menjadi 1 Lihat gambar dibawah ini 


Cara Register ocx Missing Files

Cara Register Componen Ocx Buka C: cari system32 Terus Paste Componen Yang Mau Di register Kedua buka Run Terus Ketik Cmd Enter terus ketik regsvr32 Nama Componen yang mau Di register Kalau Mau jelas Lihat Gambar  Dibawah Ini ya

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

How To Chek Yahoo Messenger, your friend is invisible or offline

People who are we waiting suddenly online, but a few moments later offline. Well, what is it? Actually, the person is being disconnected or offline due in invisible while knowing "presence" we?. Indeed, sometimes it happens and not a thing to wear. So how to determine the "true status" of the person?. In ways that can be used there are several alternatives:

The first way: Using Site Service
Here's a list of sites that provide these services:

Method Two: Using a facility IMVironments
1.Login in advance with your YM.
2.Click 2 times the IDs of your friends who want to be seen
3.Click IMVironments -> Yahoo Tools -> Doodle ..
4.After appears "Waiting for Your Buddy to load Doodle", wait a few seconds.
5.If Doodle changed "Blank", means he Invisible.
6.If Doodle situation remains the same means he Offline.

Third Method: Using the Buddy Spy software.
You can download it at Buddy-spy.com.
Once the software is installed you can click "scan Option" and enter the ID you want to know.

Fourth Method: Using open yahoo mail messenger QuickView
Your yahoo messenger you, then you check your mail by clicking on the email folder you YM

after you open an email and then you can look at the messenger QuickView. And, you can see who those people are "lost" because the DC (disconnect) or deliberately "disappeared" from your

Proxy fire 1.23 Tutorial for Leeching 9415 Golden Ports

1. For 9415 port golden http for crackers . First you need to download this program Proxy Fire 1.23 Master suite Professional
2. You can make your on ip ranges if you have 9415 http socks. You just have to go towards P-scan----> Make ip ranges in proxyfire.
* Import 9415 Http proxies and click on go to get ip range hosts  
3. Copy that Ip ranges and 9415 port given in the Make Ip ranges in Scanner.  
* Uncheck Loop and Autocheck before Scanning
* If you are scanning proxy in your pc you can use either SYN or TCP. But if you are using VPS/Remote Desktop you have to use SYN

Set Up VPN for Chrome OS

Click the network icon in the top-right corner of your screen.
In the list that appears, Select Private networks.
Click Add private network.
In the box that appears, fill in the information below.

Server hostname: vpn-nu.vpn.northwestern.edu

Service name: Northwestern VPN
Provider type: L2TP/IPsec
Shared Secret: northwesternvpn
Username credentials for connecting to VPN: NetID
Password credentials for connecting to VPN: NetID Password
Click Connect.

Set Up VPN for iOS Iphone

his page provides instructions to set up Northwestern Virtual Private Network (VPN) for iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch iOS V3.0 and higher.

Select Settings.
Select General.
Select Network.
Select VPN.
Click Add VPN Configuration.
Select L2TP.
Enter Northwestern VPN in the Description field.
Enter vpn-nu.vpn.northwestern.edu in the Server field.
Enter your NetID in the Account field.
Enter your NetID password in the Password field.
Enter northwesternvpn (case sensitive) in the Secret field.
Select Save.
To connect to Northwestern VPN, VPN should be turned On. Once you are successfully connected to Northwestern VPN, your screen will look like the following.

windows vista TCP/IP UAC PATCH

well guys u want patch the open conections in or vista like in xp ??
there u gooo Unpack the archive and run Patch32.bat (for x86) or Patch64.bat (for x64).
Run UndoPatch.bat to uninstall concurrent half-open TCP/IP connection limit patch,
and restore the original tcpip.sys, and registry setting.
Once installed you can have 70,000 half open connections, these connections
are temp connections anyways, you can change the limit to any setting you want,
go to run and type in regedit and navigate to
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Tcpip\Parameters\]
and edit this value to whatever amount of connections you need.
I have updated my patch so now it will give you the option to install the tcp/ip
patch as well as disabling UAC. If you dont want to disable uac after you patch
your max connections just press ctrl C when prompted and press y to terminate.

I have supplied uac_admin_on.reg and uac_admin_off.reg to click to easily enable and disable uac
for administrators after you patch your connections.

I have supplied uac_user_on.reg and uac_user_off.reg to click and easily enable and disable uac
for user accounts after you patch your connections.Download Via 2Shared Download Via SnapDriver

Simple Code Serial Key From

Simple Code Serial Key From Code,Code Untuk Membuat Program anda harus menggunakan password dan nama Langkah pertama yang anda harus lakukan adalah : 1.Instal Dulu Program Vb Nya Lalu Buka Project Utama Anda Standar Exe,Terus Buat lah 2 Buah Form,Form1 Dan Form2 Lalu Forum 1 Anda Masukan dua buah textbox , Lalu anda beri nama suka ati anda texbox pertama buat aja txtname dan yang kedua buat aja txtpass biar gampang gitu,biar lebih mudah lihat aja gambar saya oke..code nya bisa anda.Download Disini